Credit Education on a Scalable Infrastructure

Designing a sales page inline with market research


Education, eCommerce


Providing a userfriendly and engauging credit education platform that retains user's attention and time; thus increasing the likely hood for recommendations/ affiliate sales.

My Role

UX, Branding, Graphic Design (for eBook), web developer

Tools Used

Serverless Hosting, Form Submission / CRM API's - FormSubmit and MailJet, Affinity Designer, Framer, Color Theory, Media Managing API - UploadCare, Git

Modernized Credit Educationon a Scalable Infrastructure


Why do I need credit?

To help me understand how site users navigate and what fuels their browsing/purchase decisions. I arranged meetings with people that fit the target audience and ask them how poor credit or their current credit rating affects their lifestyle.


Users are not aware of how credit bureaus work with lenders

Credit builders are not knowledgeable about how to dispute an inaccuracy on their credit report

How can we communicate our resources and have a strong brand voice?

Process Journey map

Highlighting the resources On the e-book page there are a few paragraphs

Setting up the checkout page

Hand Drawn, Low-fi Mobile Wireframe Hand Drawn, Low-fi Desktop Wireframe Hand Drawn Customer Journey

The form, first revision

To air on the side of brevity and to reduce the number of “bounced” customers, The form is very simple. Starting off with name, email, and number.

Community and commitment

After completing and submitting the form the user is directed to a confirmation page that thinks them for their purchase and ask them to join the credit history group on Facebook. This aims to build a sense of community and that the brand is committed to adding them on their credit journey.


Althought I am unaware of data about the marketing campaign, the expierience of building the landing page and checkout components for the product was enlightening and challenging.

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